Recent Updates on Yacolt Parrots & more......

Currently this is all the recent updates on the Quaker Parrots of Yacolt, and other local rescue efforts.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday June 23rd -09—Suspicious Young Yacolt Quaker Dead.

Tuesday June 23rd -09—Suspicious Young Yacolt Quaker Dying.

It was a spectacular view as while I was in route to Yacolt Washington to rescue a Quaker found on the ground at the home of Glenn Welkers backyard.
(Home of nest platform #1)

It was a warm 68 degree day.
Upon arrival, Glenn Welker led me directly to his backyard.

Glenn & Lisa lead me to the ill Quaker.

As I pulled this Quaker Parrot out of the box, I noticed this particular bird looked familiar.

Upon a closer look I recognized this Quaker.

This Quaker was named "Bashful "when he was hatched and left the nest box last, during the spring of 2008.

While examinating this Quaker.

It was obvious that this bird was very ill.

Therefore, I immediately went to work hydrating this bird.I Prepared "Bashful" for the long trip to the local Veterinaries office.
Glenn Reported that he has seen upto 14 to 16 Quaker Parrots have been seen in his backyard alone!

Before I left a donation of seeed over 300 pounds of seed with the city for the wild Quaker birds.

It was a beautiful sunset as we left Yacolt on the way to the local Emergency veterinary office over 45 minutes away.

Upon arrival at the emergency veterinary clinic, we placed "Bashful" on the X-ray table for a long series of x-rays.

If you look closely, you will notice some sharp metal like objects in the crop and stomach of

"Bashful passeed away at 2:32 Am June 24th,2009.

The results of the necropsy were traces of heavy lead posing.
Somehow this Quaker ate a lot of lead shavings from somewhere.

A necropsy was preformed by Dr. Hilmer of __ Clinic in Salem Oregon.

~Reported by Glenn Welker and
Christopher Driggins of; N.W.Bird Rescue Vancouver, Washington.~