Recent Updates on Yacolt Parrots & more......

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Sunday, April 20, 2008


Sunday April 20,2008 Yacolt Quakers Reportred Nesting on Platforms

Wondering what's
around the corner today after receiving calls from residences of Yacolt.

Driving into town it appears to be another partly cloudy day.

It's an overcast,brisk ,38 degrees today.
Possible chance of rain today in Washington? Naaah!

Look's like rain... On the corner of Hubbard & Yacolt Rd. the orange sleeves were gone?
Click on image to enlarge photo.
Upon arriving at the corner it was apparent that Clark County Public Utilities took the advice provided by and
This advice was provided to them back in January of 2008. They finally zip tied up the wires on the pole so the birds could not perch and build on the pole.
Click on image to enlarge photo.
In addition, Clark County Public utilities covered their wires with orange tape! A Brilliant Idea.Not one Quaker on any of these three power pole locations!
Click on image to enlarge photo.
Arriving at the corner of Twin Falls & Hubbard, everything appeared to be the same. Low winds but no Quakers? And no rain?
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I turned around to look at YPPA's second nest platform, and still no Quakers??
Then I heard something familiar.
I thought I had heard a Quaker?
Click on image to enlarge photos.
I was happy to see one Quaker peeping out of the YPPA platform.
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Click on image to enlarge photo.
As I waited, I noticed a sentry Quaker looking down. It was a wonderful site!
I moved on to the next location regarding sightings of Quakers in the town's Green belt. The above location is our N.W. Bird Rescue's platform number two. I thought I heard a Quaker across the street.
Above is N.W. Bird Rescue's platform number one located at Glenn Welker's home. This nest platform was completed March 31st, appropriately on Easter Sunday.
Earlier in the week, Glenn had called several times reporting Quakers on his platform.
Then at 7am Sunday he called to report Quakers on the corner of Hubbard and Twin Falls. Then this morning upon arriving home, he discovered two Quakers flying in and out of the nest in his backyard.
Click on image to enlarge photo.
Click on image to enlarge photo.

When we approched the nest, the Quakers flew south toward Twin Fall Streets.
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They returned in five minutes. Click on image to enlarge photo.
They watched us before entering their newly found home.
After three minutes they returned to their nest.
Click on image to enlarge photo
Click on image to enlarge photo.

Photo taken by; Lisa Welker of Yacolt Washington.

Back at N.W. Bird Rescue's number two location...
We saw two, then three Quakers in the trees across from the platform.
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Then I saw a fourth Quaker arrive as yet another Quaker flew over the nest.
I watched as they flew back across the street to Glenn's house.
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On Glenn’s back patio, we saw something in the distance that made the Quakers start to chatter nervously.
As we watched, in the distance we saw what was disturbing the Quakers.
It was a Red Tailed Hawk
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Click on image to enlarge photo.
Click on image to enlarge photo.
While the Quakers flew off to safety across the street at platform number two, Glenn took advantage of the opportunity to laid out some sticks for the Quakers.

Glenn’s neighbor Paul appeared, peeping his head over the fence.
Paul reported to us that he watched the Quakers move in the nest during the snowstorm the night before.
Paul is an avid drummer and he sounded good from Glenn's deck. His drumming does not seem to bother the Quakers. They returned twice while he was drumming earlier.

As I was leaving Yacolt, I stopped at Twin Falls Rd. & Hubbard Street and spoke with a resident two doors east of YPPA's nest platform. I noticed two Quakers following me and landed on the corner tree near YPPA's nest platform.
Click on image to enlarge photo.
Then I watch the Quakers enter the platform.
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Click on image to enlarge photo.
YPPA's platform seems to be occupied by two Quakers.
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Click on image to enlarge photo.
Click on image to enlarge photo.

It apears that there are three in the tree.
Click on image to enlarge photo.

As I was leaving Yacolt I stopped by the local river to celebrate.
It was still a bit chilly
I was feeling good about the futue of the "Yacolt Six"as I took a fourth photo of the river.
I realized that I ran out of room on my camera for a photo exiting town...
That's O.K.
The Quakers know,
I'll Be Back...