Looking down the road, I admired the beautiful day.
To the north was a small waterfall.
Back on the road there was still no sign of rain.
Arriving in town, I saw that the yellow caution tape was still deterring the Quakers from building on this power pole.
On the corner of Hubbard and Twin Falls Rd. YAPPA's nest platform looked the same.
(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
YPPA's second platform below. (Click on image to enlarge photo.)
Two Quakers cheerfully greeted me as I approached one of the nest platforms.
(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
Then a third Quaker arrived to say “hi.”
(Click on image below to enlarge photo.)
(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
Glenn Welker watches the Quakers from his back deck.
The Quakers watch us as we watch them.(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
Hooray! There is peeping coming from their nest ! The wild birds may hear the baby Quakers.The wild birds flying over the Quakers nest box seem jealous.
(Click on image to enlarge photo.)(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
Both parents look out of the south side of the nest.
One parent Quaker looks down at me.
(Click on image to enlarge photo.)
In addition, Glenn looks up at his Quakers with a look in his eye, possibly realizing that he and his wife are now the God Parents & Grandparents of the Quakers in his backyard.
Across the street from Glenn’s home is N.W.B.R's nest platform number two. Homeowner Joanne Carras prepares to feed the Quakers in her backyard.
This chick (Jo Anne) has been feeding the chicks of Yacolt so long she's starting to feel like a chick herself.
Jo Anne spills out more seed for the day. Across the street from JoAnne's home we found that the Quakers have been feeding from all three yards.
This has also turned into a beautiful feeding area for all birds in this area.
The homeowners at this location also own a Nandy Conure whose vocal cry attracts many birds.
Driving out of town on the winding road, over the railroad tracks…I look to the east at the river. I was reminded of a saying,"As the river flows on, so does life."
The Yacolt Five have produced new babies. I wonder how many babies will survive.I'm not sure how many will survive.
But I do know one thing.
I'll be back...