Click on above image to enlarge orignal Letter
N. W. Bird Rescue & Adoption Orphanage Inc. DBA: Birdman’s Bird Rescue & Adoption Orphanage.
N.W.B.R Inc.
Birdman’s Exotic Bird Sanctuary & Orphanage Inc. (B.E.B.S.O.)
Vancouver, WA 98684
Business Office: (360 or 503) BIR-DMAN = 247-3626
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Hello Marvin,
I want to thank you for the excellent article you wrote about our need for financial aid.
I apologize for not being more specific with regard to the total cost of our rescue efforts in Yacolt. The cost of the materials for the nest platform is actually $497.50 each, for a total of $1990.00 dollars. The remaining balance of $2310.00 is the amount of our out-of-pocket expenses for weather proofing, paint, reinforcement materials, additional supplies and traveling expenses that occurred during our four-month tour of duty to rescue the remaining Quakers.
We will no longer be able to assist the community with wildlife bird emergencies without financial assistance from the community. Please review our recent entries on our blog,, to confirm our past week’s contribution to the region. We have rescued five wildlife birds over the last week and fourteen exotic birds. The wild birds include a Coopers Hawk, three baby Great Horned owlets, an Osprey and one American Bald Eagle--not to mention our three trips to Yacolt to maintain our nests and observe the activities of Yacolt's six remaining Quakers.
I am pleased to let you know that over the past three weeks, we have received several reports of Quakers on our nest platforms. Today I confirmed reports that pairs of Quakers have taken up residence in our nesting platforms, number one and number two located on Hubbard Street. There are also two birds on one of YPPAs platforms.
Incidentally, we did not receive any assistance from YPPA when we constructed our nesting platforms. Since the beginning of the wild Quaker rescue efforts, we have tried to work with YPPA, but despite our best efforts, they did not want to join forces with us. Our group assisted YPPA by giving them the blueprints they needed to build their platforms, as well as augers to help them dig the holes they needed. Additionally, we gave them the contact information that enabled them to obtain the orange insulating sleeves for CPUD. We did all of this, despite the fact that YPPA kicked us off properties located on Twin Falls & Hubbard two weeks before they erected their poles on that corner. We had a large tractor and offered to dig the holes for them at that location. We have no animosity toward YPPA, but it certainly does appear that they have animosity toward us. We always hoped that we could work together because we believed that working together would be in the best interest of the wild Quakers; but sadly, egos and rumors appear to have gotten in the way.
Would you consider publishing a correction to the original article that includes the updates I supplied in this letter? We wish you could make these facts clearer to the public by explaining the vast difference from what was improperly communicated to your office. Again, thank you for your generosity in printing a wonderful article. Thanks again for your kind efforts to assist us in continuing our rescue efforts of both wildlife and exotic birds in our area.
Christopher Driggins
President and Founder
N.W. Bird Rescue Inc.