Recent Updates on Yacolt Parrots & more......

Currently this is all the recent updates on the Quaker Parrots of Yacolt, and other local rescue efforts.

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008 Today we received a photo update from a Yacolt resident.

Glenn and Lisa Welker, hosts of NWBR’s nest platform # 1, sent in a few photos of the first heavy snow and this year’s baby Quakers with Ma & Pa at the feeder.

Photos were taken and sent by Glenn, Lisa & Josh Welker.

For the babies, this is the first snow. They have plenty of food available and a warm place to get in out of the cold.

Unlike last year, when nests were torn down and many of their flock froze in the cold, this year there are cozy, warm nest boxes to provide protection from the 20 to low 30 degree temperatures, snow and freezing rain.

We are delighted to report that the flock has increased in size from 5 after last year’s tragedies to a larger, healthy and secure family.