Recent Updates on Yacolt Parrots & more......

Currently this is all the recent updates on the Quaker Parrots of Yacolt, and other local rescue efforts.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

We have been reminded again how much are services are needed as we where reunited with an old friend. “Rosie”

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1-21-09 We have been reminded again how much are services are needed as we where reunited with an old friend. “Rosie”

On Tuesday 01-20-2009
We received a call from a local resident tat they needed to place a bird that they had rescued from a drug house.
While interviewing the Good Samaritan the description and name of this bird named “Rosie” sounded familiar.
A Red Lorie Named Rosie.

This Good Samaritan described certain characteristics that sounded very familiar to me.
And she told me that she had purchased a new cage, and a Lorie Pet owners hand book and plenty of supplies. But just after 3 monhths time of being with her that Rosey had to go.
One of Rosie's new toy's..

Our suspicions were confirmed upon arrival.
This Red Lorie Named “Rosie”
Is the same Red Lorie that N. W. Bird Rescue had taken into our Sanctuary back in late 2002.

Rosie was featured in an article published in our local newspaper,
“The Columbian” in a nice two page article Named “Under his Wing” on July 18th, 2004. The photo was taken by their staff photographer Janet Mathews,
and was nominated as one of the photos of the year.
(Below find the article and a link to the story)

The Columbian News Article page # 2 Photo taken by Janet Mathews From the “Under his Wing”.

Views link below for a closer look.

As a volunteer and I interviewed this Good Samaritan we filmed Rosie in action.

Please listen as the Samaritan describe's the series of Rosie's recent history.
( A short video clip below)

Additional video statements from The Good Samaritan, helps explain the story.

( A short video clip below)

Rosie on her new cage.

This unnamed Good Samaritan told us that Rosie didn’t get along with her Sun Conure and she just suffered a divorce.

And her ex-husband purchased the bird from a suspicious man who seemed to be on drugs when he purchased this bird.

(Her Video testimony is below. )

Now that the Good Samaritan has signed the custody of the bird over to;

N.W. Bird Rescue Inc.
After contacting the Battleground Police Department and the Clark County Sheriff Department.

Both offices found no records of a bird of this description being reported as stolen.
The Clark County Sheriff Department did confirm the death of one of the two that was reported to me as the previous owners. 1-22-09 1:44 pm.

( A short video clip below)

For now,
It’s nice to see Rosie...
And all her Glory…

Back home…

Warm and Cozy …

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"These are the words that I love to see posted on 911 Parrot Alert. It means that a parrot has been reunited with his or her family against the odds"

A Quote from Christa Kangas of;

911 Parrot Alert of Vancouver Washington.

These are the words that I love to see posted on 911 Parrot Alert. It means that a parrot has been reunited with his or her family against the odds.
911 Parrot Alert is a great online community. They have volunteers that are checking online daily for lost and found birds. When they find them, they are posted on the email group. That way there is one central area for owners to come and look. Their volunteers also coordinate communications between lost and found postings and pick-ups etc.

I help Chrisi who is also local. She sends me people to email, call
or go to the site to see if I can help. Mostly I am behind the scenes doing the coordinating.
When I started volunteering, I looked for other people that might be able to help reunite the birds with their owners. Locally, there is a rescue called the NW Bird Rescue . I called; Chris and I have been working together for about 4 years.
This last Sunday, Chris called letting me know that there was an African Grey stuck in a tree. The bird had been in that tree most of the day. My husband and I raced out there. The site was only about 10 minutes away from my house. We arrived about 3pm. Sure enough, there was the bird, Smokey, about 50 feet up in the tree. My heart dropped when we arrived. There really seemed to be no way to get that bird out of the tree. We tried a tree company, a young man able to climb the tree, things were tossed at the branch to try and dislodge the bird. Nothing worked. Smokey was settled in for the night. With a heavy heart I left, praying that he would be there in the morning.
Bright and early at 7am I walked back under the tree. To my dismay, Smokey was no where to be found. Later I found out that the owner was able to scare him out of the tree but they lost sight of him. I walked around the complex and nearby neighborhood calling for him. The next plan of action would be to put up signs.
I went back to the area and posted flyers. A lady in the apartment complex saw one of the signs, and minutes later, saw Smokey walking across the parking lot! He was right across the street from his own home. She picked him up and called the number on the flyer, NW Bird Rescue, who then called me to make sure that this was definitely Smokey (there are 2 other CAGs lost within flying distance of Vancouver). He was reunited with his family!The media attended to document this wonderful reunion. I hope that the coverage will benefit the other lost birds and help the be reunited with their families

Below is a photo of Christa Kangas of Parrot 911 Alert with "Smokey "the African Grey Parrot found,
January 14th,2009

Below is a photo of Christopher Driggins after a twenty hour day, late that evening with "Smokey"Before reuniting him wit his lost mom.

Below is a photo of Christa Kangas reuniting "Smokey" the African Grey back to her lost wingless mom...

Below, please view the video from our local KGW News Channel 8 from Portland Oregon.

01-14-09 911PARROT ALERT in Vancouver, Washington Collaborate efforts with N.W. BIRD RESCUE & REUNITE African Grey Parrot "Smokey" with Owner

Hello, I’m Christopher Driggins; Founder of N.W. Bird Rescue Inc.
Mostly I am behind the scenes doing the coordinating.

I Contacted Christa of 911 Parrot alert. I was on another parrot rescue at the time 30 miles away from this rescue address.
A Quote from Christa Kangas of;
911 Parrot Alert of Vancouver Washington.

Below please find a link to a Quote from Christa Kangas of;
911 Parrot Alert of Vancouver Washington.

One-Year Anniversary of the Quakers Survival in Yacolt Washington

Grapich Content Below.

Monday, January 5, 2009

One-Year Anniversary of the Quakers Survival in Yacolt Washington Testimonies from Residence on the Quaker Rescue Video Edition…

Four Quakers fly in as they spot our N.W. Bird Resce Van.

(A short video clip below)

A Closer view of the Yacolt Quakers.

(A short video clip below)

Two more Quakers arrive to say Hi.

(A short video clip below)

(A short video clip below)

Glenn Welker in his backyard confirms six Quakers in his backyard.

(A short video clip below)

Glenn Announces more good news.

(A short video clip below)

While leaving the backyard we spot afew more Quaker residence.

(A short video clip below)

Walking back to Glens front yard we have a count of 11 Quakers.

Arriving back in the fron yard we spot the first four Quakers still waiting for our return.

(A short video clip below)

Yacolt Quakers looking at two diffrent nest platform to choose from to roost.

(A short video clip below)

A view from Platform # 2 .
(A short video clip below)

An interview with Mayor Joe Warren of Yacolt.
(A short video clip below)

Second interview with Mayor Joe Warren of Yacolt.
(A short video clip below)

A Resident responce of the Mayors coments.
(A short video clip below)

Cyril Young of N.W. Bird Rescues Nest Plaform # 3 reports.
(A short video clip below)

Additional report from Cyril Young of N.W. Bird Rescues Nest Plaform# 3 reports.
(A short video clip below)

(A short video clip below)

Late night at Platform # 4.
(A short video clip below)