Recent Updates on Yacolt Parrots & more......

Currently this is all the recent updates on the Quaker Parrots of Yacolt, and other local rescue efforts.

Keep checking back for the newest updates!

Thanks for your support and visiting.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday September11, 2008 A Visit to Yacolt for Updates

As I approached town it seemed like I was driving to a summer camp.

As I was approaching town I saw a sign announcing the annual Halloween event.

Arriving at Yacolt, showing the blue skies.

On the corner of Yacolt and Hubbard it seemed that YPPA has yet to find time to install their second site’s nest platform.

Camouflaged behind a fruiting apple tree you can still see the third YAPPA pole.
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(Click on image to enlarge.)
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Looking across the street I noticed that YAPPA’S fourth
pole was still standing and rocking a bit in the wind.
A closer look at the nest platform on the corner of Hubbard and Twin Falls Rd.
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(Click on image to enlarge.)

Below is a short video clip of the wind rocking this YAPPA platform.
We hope they secure it before the winter winds arrive.

Arriving at NWBR’s nest platform number one on this warm day,
I was greeted by Glenn Welker.

(Click on image to enlarge.)
The platform looks great and seems to be holding up well.

(Click on image to enlarge.)
Glenn had a surprise for us. This new chain saw birdhouse was installed by him eariler in the day for the other wild birds in his yard.

There were no birds present in his back yard,
so we went on a tour of the town to scout out the Quakers.

No Quakers spotted at nest platform # 4 near the park.

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No Quakers spotted at nest platform # 3 on Jones Street.

No Quakers spotted on the corner of Yacolt and Hubbard.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

As we traveled north on Hubbard street I noticed that YPPA has yet to erect their third pole. It was still lying on the ground in the same location as six months ago.
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Then I heard a Quaker. As I looked up, I spotted two Quakers near the corner of Hubbard and Twin Falls Rd.

(Click on image to enlarge.)

More Quakers were heard.
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I spotted a total of four Quakers before they flew off.
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I followed them to the corner of Jones & Railroad Street where they landed in an apple tree.

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Apparently the Quakers have been feasting on the apples there for quite some time.

If you look closer you'll notice the parrots bite marks in the apples.
(Click on image to enlarge.)

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Before I could follow the Quakers again, I received an emergency call.
I needed to return to Vancouver, Washington. As I left I asked Glenn to continue the search.

As I was leaving town I wondered about the remaining Quakers.
Had the count dwindled back down to just four?

Did more perish?
(Click on image to enlarge.)
Or are they flying the valley enjoying the good weather? As I was driving out of town I realized that the Quakers have plenty of room to play.
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(Click on image to enlarge view.)
(Click on image to enlarge view.)
(Click on image to enlarge view.)

Crossing the bridge back towards Vancouver, I needed to switch my frame of mind to the upcoming rescue.

As I was crossing the bridge, I received a call from Glenn Welker.
I was approaching a thick patch of trees, I could barely hear Glenn’s voice announcing the good news.As I cleared the woods,
I could heard Glenn’s faint voice repeat the words that he had seen 10 birds.

This was good news to hear.

I'll be back with camera in hand to film all ten Quakers soon.