Sunday morning March 31, 2008. Driving into Yacolt I was greeted by hail & snow and discovered some disappointing discoveries. Hail & Snowing in route, to the town of Yacolt.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
I discovered a sad and disturbing site across the street from the nest were the Quakers had built their nest on the power pole.
When I arrived on the corner of Twin falls & Hubbard, I noticed that the nest platforms that where recently erected and re-designed by YPPA, were dissolving.
Apparently, the winds and snow were stronger than YPPA's modification design.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
*We went on about our mission of distributing the Seed.
* Eight hundred and sixty Pounds of seed was donated to the community.*
* We distributed to the six primary feeding sites.
*One hundred pounds to each of the four nest platforms where Northwest Bird Rescue erected our reinforced nest platforms.
*We also donated Two hundred pounds of seed to YPPA.
*Since YPPA, the Yacolt Parrot Preservation Association, is the appointed group of knowledgeable parrot experts appointed by the Mayor and Town Council.
*We felt they really needed the seed.
* Joy Tindall (The President of YPPA) informed us, two day's earlier; (Friday)
that the group still had most of the remaining, one hundred and twenty pounds of seed that was donated to them back in late November of 2007.
From North West Bird Rescue.
*(We understood at that time that they really needed to start feeding the surviving flock of six Quaker's.)
*We have also learned that since the beginning that YPPA has been supported by several
Well-known animal support groups.
*Including assistance from the group, that has backed us from the beginning.
In Defense for animals of Portland (
Here is just a small list of the group’s that have Sponcered & supported YPPA's efforts.
Some in this group in total have even Pre-paid for seven Quaker Platforms since early December of 2007.
(We were given this information by S&D Bird Rescue who reported back in December of 2007 they spoke with members of both QPS & FoA of the advanced funds.)
YPPA's first pole was started construction on; Sunday January 13th,2008
The first Pole by YPPA was compleatelt erected on Saturday January 26th,2007.
Sponcered By either ;
*Friends of Animals. ( )
* Quaker Parrot Society( )
Other Supporters & Associates ;
*The Mayor & town of Yacolt(
* Clark County Public Utilities(
and a few more groups.
And more information about their efforts including documented photos and dated will be updated soon.
* The remaining Two hundred pounds of seed was then distributed through out the town to selected feeding areas of Yacolt.
*Three of the residence of Yacolt donated a few dollars to cover our gas for our efforts.
Cyril Young ; Homeowner and Host Nest house for Nest Platform # 3
Donated $ 20.00 Cash
Thank You Cyril,
From the bottom of our hearts & the top of the birds heads.
In addition, Cyril relentlessly has volunteered himself & his family members time at a drop of a feather at all hours over these past four months. EVERYTIME WE CALLED FOR HIS ASSISTANCE, He and his family and friend's where there in minutes.
All for the love of any animal in need. Especially, Yacolt’s Quakers.
I'm proud to have met this gentleman. He is a true example of what a type of people live in this small community. He's a man of integrity and honor. I'd be proud to have him as a brother or neighbor.
Thank You Cyril,
From the bottom of our hearts & the top of the birds heads.
Mr. & Mrs. Jenii & Gary Peterson. Proud owners of Nest Platform Number four erected by North West Bird Rescue.
Donated $ 25.00 Cash towards gas & Seed.
Mr. & Mrs. Jenii & Gary Peterson & their wonderful loving Great Dane Sahara & Small dog Teddy bear. This family has been very generous with donations as well as allowing us to install a nest platform at the last minute. They are a wonderful Christian family who also own two pet birds, and feed ALLOT of Yacolt’s wild birds.
I met up with Cyril Yong on the west side of town, at the local Yacolt market.
* As I was leaving town, this chilly evening?
* Glenn & Lisa Welker of Nest Platform # 1 Donated $ 20.00
* And Jo Anne Carras of Nest Platform # 2 also Donated $ 20.00
At one of the old major feeding spots for the Quakers. I met the nicest elderly person with a level of integrity that is hard to find now a-days. She was very hospitable; she always offered us shelter on cold day's with plenty of homemade fresh cookies & Hot “Co Co” & Coffee.
*Her wish’s are for her to remain anonymous;
On December 8th, was the Birthday of the Founder & President of N.W. Bird Rescue Inc.( Christopher Driggins).
This wonderful lady honored Christopher with a special gift of a framed poem from this wonderful lady.
This poem read;
" A wise old bird lived in a Oak'
The more he saw, the less he spoke
The less he spoke, the more he heard
Why can we be like that wise old bird!
Thank you for these words of wisdom...
Ms. V
* As I was leaving town, this evening.
I met up with Cyril Yong on the west side of town, at the local Yacolt market.
Cyril spotted two more Quakers this evening bringing the sighted official count back up to six . *Click on photo to enlarge.
*Click on photo to enlarge.
* As I was leaving town, this chilly evening?