Things That Are Necessary:
- Adoption Certificate or Bill of Sale
[Needed to identify that your bird belongs to you.]
- Bedding (Bottom of Cage)
[Your choice - but do not use sand or cat litter.]
- Bird Bath Tubs
[All birds need to bathe. Tubs are better for smaller birds.]
- Cage
[Choose one that is species appropriate.]
- Carriers
[Keeps bird safe while traveling with them.]
- Clean Agent
[Wide range available - soap, water or chemicals.]
- Extra Food Dishes
[Several sets that are dishwasher safe.]
- Extra Perches
[Make sure they are different widths, textures and safe.]
- Extra Water Bottles
[Make sure that they are dishwasher safe.]
- Fruits/Vegetables/Cereals/Grains
[Feed a wide range and variety to your birds.]
- Instructions
[Ask seller about health, diet, routine, care and behavior.]
- Pellets ("Depends on Bird")
[Some birds love pellets, others don't. Many varieties available.]
- Spray Bottle
[Birds need regular baths. This method is good for most birds.]
- Syringes (No Needle "Needed for Babies")
[ For feeding babies or medicated sick birds.]
- Thermometer ("Needed for Babies")
[Good quality way to check temperature of feeding formula.]
- Weaning Foods ("Needed for Babies")
[Helps ease transition to adult food.]
- Toys
[Buy several species appropriate toys and change occasionally.]
- Veterinary Exam
[Annual checkup and fecal is needed for all birds.]
Things That Are Recommended:
- Bottle Brushes
[Toothbrushes are excellent for cleaning bottles and cups.]
- Cooking Mixes
[Can be made in batches and frozen for later.]
- Covering for Floor
[Protects your floor and carpeting. Choose something that is easy to clean or replaceable.]
- Distilled Water
[For baby birds, sick birds and for when you travel.]
- Extra C-Clamps
[Replace O-rings on toys, use for safety reasons.]
- Cuttlebone
[Good mineral source for small birds.]
- First Aid Kit
[Put your own version together inexpensively.]
- Magazines
[Bird Talk, Pet Bird Report, Birds USA, etc.]
- Millet Spray
[Good for treats, use sparingly.]
- Mineral Blocks
[Come in different shapes and flavors. Good for all birds.]
- Play Pens
[Good place for your birds to play safely when not in the cage.]
- Scrapers
[Good for cleaning perches and the cage.]
- Stands
[Good for play time, traveling or training.]
- Treats
[Give occasionally. Many kinds of treats are available.]
Things That Are Optional:
- Bird ID: Microchip
[Permanent way to identify medium to large birds.]
- Extra Cage
[Good when traveling with your bird or as a sick cage.]
- Full Spectrum Lighting
[Gives your bird the full spectrum of lighting.]
- Heat Source
[Used to keep baby or sick bird warm, ask your veterinarian.]
- Incubator
[Great sick cage especially if you have several birds.]
- Seed Guards or Cage Apron
[Helps keep bird from throwing food out of their cage.]
- Sink Cage
[Good to have in case a bird gets sick or injured.]
- Therapeutic Perch
[Helps to wear nails down. Should be highest perch.]
Recent Updates on Yacolt Parrots & more......
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
What Do You Need Besides The Bird?
Posted by
Northwest Bird Rescue & Adoption Orphanage Inc .
11:09 PM